There are variety of makerspaces in Sendai! Each workshop has its own set of specialties and tools.
Wanna go take a look? Here is the SENDAI MAKERSPACE TOURS.
今回のツアーに参加するのは、地下鉄東西線沿線で活動する4ヶ所のメイカースペース。木工や印刷、クラフトなど、それぞれに特色のあるものづくり活動をサポートしています。 作りたいものや、やりたいことがある方はもちろん、どんなことができるのかを知りたいという方もぜひご参加ください!(このイベントは日本語と英語で実施します。)
The makerspace is the place for Makers who love personal craftmanship. Here is the open-workshop where people can create what they want including arts, handcrafts, robots and furnitures.
This year, the SENDAI MAKERSPACE TOURS will leads you to four makerspaces in Sendai. Each makerspaces has their own field like woodworking, printing, craft and so on. If you already have any ideas to make or if you just know what kind of spaces it is, you are welcome to our tours! (The tours has two versions Japanese guide or English guide depends on dates.)
▼イベントの詳しい内容はこちら / Click to read more ▼